Nothing makes me happier than when I see my children playing together and having fun! The other day the neighbor kids came over and they all went digging for worms. They were so muddy and gross, but they had such a blast! The last picture was at the mall when Daddy was shopping for new church clothes I took them to the play center.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
This sweet boy said his first prayer all by himself the other day. When KaeLynn was at school Daniel and I were eating lunch when all of the sudden right in the middle of eating he stopped and said "Mommy, prayer!" So I said OK lets pray, thinking he just wanted me to bless it. He then folded his arms and started : " Bless... (bunch of words I didn't understand), bless (again more gibberish), bless Lightening McQueen (from Pixar movie Cars), Amen!" I was so proud of him. It is such a good feeling to know that our family being consistent in family prayer is paying off, and he knew exactly how to do it. Since then, he has wanted to say prayers daily.
Also today he went to nursery all by himself at church. He lasted the two hours without Cavan and I! This is huge because he has been going for 11 months now, and has always needed us there. We will take it one Sunday at a time and hope for the best!
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
KaeLynn First Tooth
My sweet adorable baby is growing up way to fast! She lost her first tooth this week! It started wiggling about a week ago. At first she was so excited and talked about it nonstop. Then after a day she was done with it. She complained all the time about how she feels that she can't eat or brush her teeth anymore. But she didn't want us to take it out either. Then finally in the middle of the night I woke up to her crying because she lost her tooth. When it came out she misplaced in the dark and was panicking that the tooth fairy already took it. We found it in the morning and the next night the tooth fairy left her a nice gold dollar. Now the tooth next to it is loose.
Our Snow Storm
We finally had a good snow storm. We were very blessed to have a lot of snow come in with out loosing our power. We were able to enjoy the fun and beauty of it, and then go to our nice warm home. I know that other places in our country did not have that luxury, and I could not imagine how awful that would have been. The kids LOVED the snow! Especially KaeLynn. This is my girl that usually is not a fan of playing outside. She hates to be cold, and is very sensitive to her surroundings, but she showed none of that these last few days! The first day when the snow started it was 16 degrees with a wind chill of 5 degrees. Cavan and I were so uncomfortable outside with the kids while they played, but they had a blast. Cavan and I finally wimped out and brought Daniel inside, but KaeLynn stayed in the background and played and played! Crazy girl! After 2 days of very fun snow, we had freezing rain and everything froze! Church was cancelled so we decided to walk down our street to a family in our ward and have a mini church get together. It was a very slow dangerous walk to the house. Everything was frozen! It was beautiful, but scary. Now we are back to our Oregon mild rainy weather and everything seems back to normal. It sure was a fun couple of days though!
Saturday, February 1, 2014
We went shooting today in Estacada. It was a beautiful winter day. The kids had a blast as usual. They mostly stayed in the trucks watching movies and eating snacks. Before we started shooting the kids had fun exploring, and Daniel of course wanted to play his cars right there in the snow. He got all wet, but he didn't seem to mind at all!
Cavan and I decided to learn a new hobby together, and we are trying racquetball. Our good friend Casey is teaching us how to play, and after 3 attempts we are finally getting a hang of it. We thought it would be the perfect thing for us to try. It is athletic, needs at least two players, can be played anytime of the year, and we can play for free at LA Fitness since I teach Zumba there. I hope we can keep this up!

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