We got a pool! It is just big enough for all of us to get in and cool off, and that is all we need. It really is very peaceful out there sitting in the water and enjoying the sounds of the country. When the kids get bigger, we will probably get a bigger pool.
Linden is 15 months now. He is officially weaned off the bottle. I was worried I was never going to get him to take the sippy cup. He just wanted nothing to do with it for months. So I ended up just taking the bottle away. He had one day he was upset by it and didn't drink much. He now takes the sippy cup with no problems at all. He is also off formula and drinking cows milk. He stands up while holding onto furniture and will walk from one piece of furniture to the next holding on, but is not ready to let go. We practice everyday trying to get him to work his legs, but he would rather crawl. He loves to talk to people using his baby talk. He says a few words like, Hi, uh-oh, and mum. He knows how to say "all done" in sign language when he is finished eating at the high chair. He is starting to understand "more" a little bit. He is not ready to give up his morning nap yet. So he is still napping twice a day. On days we want to go to the springs or something he just misses his morning nap that day and we just deal with his grumpy mood. Linden is very much a momma's boy. Always when I come home from something and he sees me, he instantly starts crying and crawls to me. He doesn't stop crying until I pick him up. He even does this when he is totally happy before I came home. He loves KaeLynn and Daniel so much! He always wants to be in the same room as they are. 

Cavan and I have had some really nice motocycle rides so far this summer. My favorite is to drive to the beach! Of course we have gotten caught in a few rain storms, but that is summer weather in Florida
4th of July we went to Lake Helen again for their parade in the morning. Went to my mom's for lunch, then to David's awesome 4th of July party! We have such a great view of the fireworks right on the lake. We love this tradition!