The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Friday, December 18, 2009

KaeLynn is Walking!

KaeLynn is actually walking now! Yippee!!!! She started taking a few steps last week and is now really feeling confident. I can tell now that she actually wants to walk. Before she never showed any interest in it. I am so proud of her! I am looking forward to all the adventures walking will bring us.


Amanda said...

How sad! Just give her the darn blankie already! :) I wish I could see her walk in person, such a cutie!

nanadover said...

You go girl! I need to get out my running shoes to keep up with her now!!!

Trisha said...

Can't wait to see it tomorrow! Very exciting!

Leah said...

look at her go! Yay KaeLynn!

Randi said...

You all have to be on your toes now! Just think of all the trouble she can get into now. Good job KaeLynn!

Diana said...

I can't wait to see her walking!! I hope you know that I live motherhood vicariously through you and I am super excited that she is a walker!!

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