The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Our first outing with Wilson

Today was so pretty that after Cavan got off work we took a late lunch to a park and had a picnic. Then we let Wilson and KaeLynn run around. Of course KaeLynn loved being free and Wilson enjoyed running around. It was hard for Cavan and I when other people or dogs came around because Wilson has not been trained yet. He knows sit but only does it when he wants to. We were so used to Lexy being so well trained that we forgot what it was like to have a dog that doesn't do exactly what you say right when you say it. He has real good potential and I know he will do great. Lexy was about his age when she was trained so I know he will pick it up just fine.KaeLynn kept grabbing the lease and running after Wilson yelling "Sit Sit!" It was so cute because Wilson had no clue what she was doing and she look so determined.
There was train tracks real close and when a train went by KaeLynn was so surprised to see it. This was her facial expression.

KaeLynn also found a pile of dirt and she got it everywhere. Later when we got home I went to give her a bath and found dirt even in her diaper!
It was such a nice day and a good start with Wilson.


nanadover said...

I loved seeing Wilson with KaeLynn. He was so gentle with her. You found a gem and I am so happy KaeLynn will have a 4 legged friend to grow up with!

Amanda said...

How exciting!!! And I love the name Wilson.

Trisha said...

I bet KaeLynn is sooo happy to have a friend around again! Can't wait to meet the new family member.

Joy Schmidt said...

I am so happy for you guys! Wison looks so cute! Kaelynn with the leash is so adorable!!

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