KaeLynn loved decorating eggs! She got so messy. This morning when she woke up, I had her soak in the bath tub for about 30 minutes to get all the dye off her arms and hands. Cavan showed her how to peel the egg to eat it, but she was not interested. She kept saying she wanted yellow eggs, because she has only eaten them scrambled. We went to our friends the Garretts, and the girls did not grow tired of all the decorating! I thought after a few eggs KaeLynn would have been bored. She proved me wrong!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
There was this small carnival at Reynolds High School for Spring Break that we took the kids to. Our friends invited us to go, and KaeLynn loves to play her Ava! KaeLynn is so much braver then she used to be and really had a lot of fun. Daniel seemed to have fun just watching his sister go on the rides. He really did not like the carousal. The prices were outrages! So we only took her on a few rides. There was the classic melt down when we left, but at least we got her smiling in the pictures!

I try to go outside everyday, even if it is just for 5 minutes if the weather is crummy. Daniel loves rocks, dirt, sticks, and I guess all the "boy stuff". In the picture he is picking up the rocks and dumping them on himself. Then he laid down, and was rolling in it! So funny!

KaeLynn loves rocks too. But she likes to collect them and sing to herself as she walks around and makes pretend gardens. I just love the differences between boys and girls. 

Big Boy
This little man is so brave. I am still having a hard time getting used to having a boy. On the play structure in our back yard he climbs up with no fear, plops himself right down to the slide and goes for it. It scares me every time! I am so used to KaeLynn's timid personality. He sure loves to play out side. He is going through a stage where he constantly goes to the back door and says "side" for outside. The weather is finally getting better, so we are not having as many melt downs as when it is wet and cold, and I do not want to go out.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
First Day of Nursery
Daniel is now 18 months old! Today was his first day of Nursery at church, and we could not have been happier! He did so good! I was really worried because he is so attached to me, and to be honest he doesn't get along with other kids his age. Today was also the first day of the time change and he did not nap before church. But all was well. In Nursery there is a husband and wife that teach, and for some reason Daniel is more comfortable with men. Cavan told the man that Daniel will probably attach him self to him. Sure enough when we looked through the window he was sitting in the mans lap looking at a book. SO cute!
Today KaeLynn also gave the scripture in her Primary. She gave 1 John 4:14. Talks about how Jesus is our Savior since that is their theme right now. She did great! Her cousin Javen also gave a little talk in Primary so Nana and Papa came to see the children. They were all so excited!!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Family Trip to the Temple
This weekend was wonderful. We had Stake Conference at church and heard wonderful talks. Then today after church we took the kids to the temple. We have been wanting to take KaeLynn for a while now, and finally set the date to do so. The kids loved the water fountain, especially Daniel. He was jumping around dancing saying "water, water!" It was warm day for March, and we were blessed to see the sun poke out from the clouds while we were there. KaeLynn kept saying that she loved it there, and can't wait to go inside when she is older. I look forward to that day. It was a great time to explain to KaeLynn the importance of the temple, and how we are a family forever because we were married in the Temple. We then went inside the visitor center and KaeLynn loved all the touch screens! I am so grateful that we have a Temple close to us!
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