We bought season passes to Diney World and had a lot of fun going to all the different parks. The first day we went was the day after Thanksgiving. It was very cold that day! Our first day was a little overwhelming. Once we figured out how the parks work and where everything is it started to become a lot more fun.
This is the Swiss Robertson Family Tree house. It had a great view when we climbed to the top. We could even see the Disney Castle!
Our first ride was the magic carpet ride from the movie Aladdin. Daniel did not want to get on the ride. He wouldn't even smile for the camera once we got on. But once the ride started he loved it!

KaeLynn has her very own autograph book to get the Disney Characters signatures. She is such a trooper. She does not mind waiting at all to see them. Ariel was the hardest for us to wait. It was at the end of the day, and we were all so tired. It was so worth it though. Ariel was such a delight to see. Daniel doesn't like to go up to the characters, but Ariel is the only one so far that he was so shocked her couldn't even move. It was so funny. It was as if it was only him and her in the room. He wouldn't even recognize our voice when we tried talking to him. It was so cute!

Later in the week we met up with our Kyle and Michelle. They drove to Disney World for a vacation. We went to Downtown Disney and they had these awesome Lego creations.

Daniel was absoultey terrified of Mickey. Wanted nothing to do with him and was crying for me to "get him out of there!"
Pooh and Tigger were adorable! Tigger dance and jumped around with KaeLynn. Pooh thought it was funny that KaeLynn had these little charms on her pen. He would play with them and then laugh and laugh. They were great!
At Hollywood Studios we went to some great shows. They had this car stunt show that Daniel thought was the coolest! They even a car just like Lightening McQueen! It was such a good show. Then Daniel and KaeLynn got to have their picture taken with Mater and McQueen. Daniel was so happy to see a character that he loves so much. He melted my heart to see his face.
We got to see Beauty and the Beast live. The music was so good!

Then to finish our visit with the Hunters we went to the Fantasmic show with Mickey. It had lights, and fireworks, action, and a lot of characters. It was such a good way to end our week with family.

On the Buzz ride it broke and we were stuck in the same spot for a long time so we decided to take a selfie!
On the race car ride we let the kids drive and they loved it. They hasnt been to many things about Disney World that Daniel has found excited but put him in a car and he is happy!