The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Friday, February 1, 2019

Our Georgia Christmas Vacation

One of the kids Christmas presents was a surprise trip to North Georgia to a cabin up in the mountains. Our friends know the family that owns this cabin, so we got an incredibly cheap deal, and since we split it with our friends it was in even cheaper! We just couldn't pass it up. We had the bottom floor to our selves. We were right next the the river. They river only went up to about your shins, so we had fun going into the hot tub then running and dunking ourselves in the freezing water! It actually was a lot of fun! I think I enjoyed it the most out of everyone. The kids had fun playing with their friends so I had a lot of time just finding a cozy spot and reading a good book. My favorite! We drove in to Helen Georgia to their Bavarian town. It was just like the town the Cavan and I went for our honey moon in Leavenworth WA. We also went hiking. I LOVE going in the woods. It reminded me of Oregon so much. It was beautiful. The kids did awesome and wanted to just keep exploring. The last place we visited was the Bigfoot museum and research center. My kids already believed in Big foot

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