The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Baby #4 on the way!

In January we found out that we are having another baby and I am due in September. In March we did a gender reveal party. We had a lot of our friends over, and even Casey and Roy'l were visiting from Kentucky. My mom bought a spray paint can and covered up the color so we couldn't see what it was. Then Cavan put on his trusty mullet and shot the can with an arrow to reveal the color, and it was pink. We were all shocked and excited to be having another girl. Then a month later I went in for my anatomy ultrasound to make sure all the baby's organs are developing, and surprise, surprise it's actually a boy! Now we were really shocked! I kept asking the ultrasound technician if she was sure, and she kept showing me throughout the appointment, that he was definitely a boy. It's a good thing I didn't donate the baby boy stuff. I had it all packed up and ready to go. KaeLynn was sad that she won't have a baby sister, but she is happy that she will have her own room when she is older. I still can't believe I will have 3 boys! I'm excited for all the adventures our family will have.

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