The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My lovely children keep me so busy that I just want to take the time to appreciate them. Being a mom of two is very hard in ways that you only understand once you have children, especially when you go from having one to two kids. I am so thankful that the Lord has blessed me with these two beautiful and healthy children. When we have good moments, they are so wonderful. Can you feel me leading up to something...? Yes, today was a hard day. I made some chicken soup on Sunday, and in the chicken seasoning I used there was milk in it. I was foolish enough to not look at the ingredients. I only used 1 1/2 Tablespoons of the seasoning. He was a little off yesterday and I was feeling off too so when I thought back to the food we had recently ate, the seasoning was the only thing different then what I usually use. Now when I say he was off, I mean he was still reasonable, but not his total happy self and was spitting up a lot. I thought that maybe we would be okay since it was such a little amount. So I ate it again for left overs today for lunch and WHOA!! He was so fussy today! So gassy, and cried, and cried, and cried!!! I am so glad he seems to be feeling better and is sleeping now in bed for the night. I need a break! Lesson learned to be even more careful then I already am.
On a happy note, I love how KaeLynn and Daniel can "play together". KaeLynn's favorite thing to do with him, is make him a fort while he is laying under his baby jungle gym. He just lays there and chews on a toy while she piles blanket after blanket on the structure. It is such a struggle for her to not put the blankets over his face. I keep telling her that he needs room to breathe, but she says "he needs to hide from the pumas!". She got that from watching Diego. It is fun to see them interact together. It will be great to see them as they grow up.

1 comment:

Aunt Viv said...

Watching your kids play and get along is the best!

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