The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Eating Solids

My little man is ready for some solid food. My milk supply has fluctuated so much that sometimes he does not get enough to eat. This is hard to believe since he is so chunky! He just had his 4 month well check and he now weighs 16lbs 12.3 ounces. He is 25.5 inches long. KaeLynn also had her check up and she weighs 32 lbs now. It is amazing how fast they grow. I was dreading the shots because every single one with KaeLynn has been horrible and the rest of our day is her being very dramatic. I was worried how Daniel would also do. I had KaeLynn go first and the first shot she just whimpered. The second shot the wailing began and did not go away for the rest of the afternoon and night. She kept saying, "I got hurt!" Daniel thank goodness did great. He had to get 3 shots and didn't cry until the 3rd shot. He cried less then a minute and smiled at the assistant when she left. I was glad that both of my kids were not in complete melt downs. Daniel will have to back in soon since we got behind on his immunizations, but KaeLynn thankfully won't need any more until she is ready for Kindergarten! KaeLynn is having a little bit of a hard time adjusting to Joy School. She has a really hard time when I drop her off. She once had to go to time out because she was dancing and encouraging the other kids to dance instead of participating in singing time! I take no responsibility for her dancing! :) Speaking of dancing I taught my first class of Zumba today at church. It was great and I had 8 people show up! I am so glad to have dance back in my life. Our family has been doing great, and I truly think we are the happiest we have been in a while.


nanadover said...

Well, Daniel boy seems to be taking to the cereal a lot better than his big sister did. What an adorable little guy! I am surprised that KaeLynn isn't loving Joy School. It will be interesting to see how she does when you teach.

Maren B said...

YAY! I'm so glad you are all doing well. Daniel is a such a pouchy-cheeked chunk! I can totally see Cavan and you and KaeLynn in him. I love look-alikes.

Waddell Family said...

I love reading your blog! I am glad you guys are doing so well. Hopefully sometime soon we can run into each other! :D

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