Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Zoo and Omsi
The kids never get tired of the Zoo! Daniel did great for not having a nap! We rode on the train and it was a lovely ride. This was the first time we rode the train in the summer. We usually only ride it in the winter for Zoo Lights. The next day at Omsi Daniel didn't have as good of a time. I think he just enjoys being outside so much more than inside. KaeLynn loved all the touch screens at Omsi. She just kept running around to more screens she could find. I look forward to when we can go back when Daniel is older and we can enjoy ourselves more. 

Shooting with Friends and Family
While everyone was here we decided to go shooting as a family. There is a family in our ward that has some land. They were so nice to let us shoot there. I just bought Ruger 22 and was very eager to shoot it. Cavan's guns were to powerful for me. I shot the bulls eye dead on!! It was great. We took turns being away from the shooting to be with the kids. This picture of KaeLynn is not when were shooting, but it's cute so I thought I would share. 

Dover Family Beach Trip 2012
This year we started at Tillamook like we always do, but only went to the shops at Cannon Beach. Last year we played in the water, but there have been reports of a lot of sicknesses from that beach so we decided to play at Seaside this year. The weather was just right, and it was nice because there was so wind! Daniel was loving the sand! It has been great since he has started crawling. He was such a happy baby while family was in town. We ended our day eating at the Wet Dog. It is always fun when we go to the beach!

Ape Caves

We went to the Ape Caves and it was awesome! This was my first time going. The cave was so cold. KaeLynn pretty much complained the whole time that her legs hurt. I thought that she would be fascinated by the cave, but no. LOL! Daniel screamed the whole way out. I was walking so fast to get out of there. The kids were tired, cold and hungry. I think everyone of the children in our whole family melted down. Besides our children whining, it really was a cool place to go see. Once we came out and ate and warmed up in the sun the kids were much happier. We ate over by "The Tale of Two Forest". This place was very fun for the kids to run around and explore.

Dover Family Pictures
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Daniel is crawling!
Daniel started crawling on the fourth of July! He was 4 days short of 10 months old in this video. I started recording too late because Cavan really had him going, but then he tuckered out when I stared recording! He is still pretty slow to crawl, but does make his way around when he wants to, and he has to really want to. :)
Pool Time!
I am so excited the weather is warm enough to bring out the pool! My kids love swimming, and it is such a great way for them to cool off. Daniel is so cute in his little pool! He really loves splashing. Thanks to KaeLynn's swim class, she is comfortable going under water now, and she is quite proud of it! I am also grateful that Roy'l lives only a mile away. We go over there a lot in the afternoons to let the kids swim in their pool. Yeah for summer!!
The Fourth
What a small group we had this year with Kyle and Michelle gone! It was still a wonderful day. We started our day at Casey and Roy'l and had a delicious breakfast of banana oatmeal pancakes and bacon. Then We headed to Corbett for the Parade. This was our first year going to the parade, and I think KaeLynn really enjoyed it. Then we went home took naps. Everyone then came to our place for a BBQ. We had delicious burgers Cavan made from the local grass fed cow we just bought, and oh WOW it taste so much better! After we were all full we headed back to Corbett to get our spot and wait for the fireworks. The kids had a great time, and Daniel did well considering he likes to go to bed usually 6:30pm. He took a little nap in the baby pea pod we brought. Then he snuggled with Cavan and watch the fireworks ever so quitely. He looked like he was in awe!
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