The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Linden turns 3!

Our little Linden turned 3! Which also means we have been in our home for 3 years now.  He is such a fun out going boy! He is fearless just like his daddy, which has given me a heart attack a few times. He loves people, and going out to places. He is really into trains right now, so for his birthday we got more wooden train tracks to add to the collection. Daniel and him have been making some great tracks. He is my only kid so far who loves to be outside. He likes to work with daddy on the tractor and mowing the lawn. He really loves the water! Anytime we are driving and he sees a body of water, which happens a lot in Florida, he gets so excited! He is still a pretty picky eater. Sometimes we have to starve him out, which means no snacks or any food if its not what I made. He eventually gets hungry enough and eats. We are trying to work with him to take a bite of what he wants for a bite of what we are eating. It starting to work a little. He is still a great sleeper. Sometimes he goes a week or so where he doesn't nap, but I still put him in his crib regardless to give him and me some quite time. When Jax was first born, Linden had a really tough time, but he is stating to be nicer to Jax now. The other day in the car Linden was laughing at Jax which made Jax start laughing, making Linden laugh harder. They kept this going for a while. It was so sweet listening to them! Linden loves to be read too. He will snuggle up with his huge quilt blanket, suck on his two middle fingers, and listen to a good story. He also loves to dance, and listen to music. If Linden has something I don't want him to have, he will put his hand up to stop me and say" go in the shower!" KaeLynn has trained Lidne to sing like Elsa from Frozen. She will say "hey Linden, Elsa!" and he will sing out "AH ah oh oh" in a high pitched voice. Linden brings a lot of joy to our lives. 

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