The Dover Clan

The Dover Clan

Hello To You

This is for all our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like! We hope this keeps you updated on all that is happening in our lives. We love you!

Monday, September 28, 2009

KaeLynn's 1 year stats

I wanted to have a record of my sweet girl and how big she is at one year. At her one year check up she weighed 21lbs 7oz. She is 29 1/4 inches tall. She had to get 4 shots to get caught up on her immunizations. It was absolutely horrible! I'm glad she won't need her next vaccinations until she is 15 months old. She now has 6 teeth with 3 baby molars starting to break through (which has been awful). She does say a few words: She definitely knows Daddy and knows who he is. She has developed a habit to say Daddy! to whoever walks through the door (even me). She will only say momma mom, mom when she wants to eat what I am eating. She says Up, Hi, Doogie, Exy (lexy). She also knows how to wave Bye Bye with her palm facing her and her fingers up and down (like she is waving to herself). She is not walking yet but will walk with her cute little baby stroller. She is very picky with her food and has to try something new a hundred times before she decides she will eat it. She doesn't like weired textures of food and and if she feels it with her hands and it feels different she is instantly turned off. She is officially weaned from nursing and is now drinking whole milk. We are now working on getting her to take the milk from the sippy cup instead of the bottle. Our goal is to be done with the bottle by 14 months. She is just a bundle of joy and we love every bit of her!


nanadover said...

...and we must not forget that she says "Nana", which is a very important word!...especially to KaeLynn's Nana!
Hugs and kisses!

Trisha said...

And what a sweetheart she is! Daddy always seems to be a favorite at first, still is with Ava. Have fun w/ getting rid of the bottle, I don't remeber it being TOO bad, but my memory fails me often. Thanks for your sweet words on my post. I'm trying to be strong!

Randi said...

I can't believe she is 1 already! I want to hear her talk. She is such a sweet little girl, I bet it melts anyone's heart to hear her words. Thanks for doing this post so we can picture her at this stage.

Maren B said...

Wait, the Precious is talking?! I must hear this for myself. What good excuse can I make up for us to hang out?

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